
Staff Name Position Email Phone
Angela Goerz Child Youth and Family Support Worker Email Address 250-754-3231
Chelsey Flood Inclusion Support Teacher Email Address 250-754-3231
Christine Walterhouse School Psychologist Email Address 250-754-3231
Deborah Hunter Library Clerk Email Address 250-754-3231
Jana Mottl Classroom Teacher - Div. 8 - Gr. 5/6 Email Address 250-754-3231
Janet Birch Strong Start Facilitator Email Address 250-754-3231
Janice Wilson Aboriginal Education Teacher Email Address 250-754-3231
Jessica Barr Classroom Teacher - Div. 4 - Grade 2/3 Email Address 250-754-3231
Jody Glanfield ELL Teacher Email Address 250-754-3231
Jody Lennox Secretary Email Address 2507543231
Leah Desnoyers Counsellor Email Address 250-754-3231
Lisa Blachuras Classroom Teacher - Div. 9 - Gr. 6/7 Email Address 250-754-3231
Madelyn Worth School Psychologist Email Address 250-754-3231
Mark Douglas Inclusion Support Teacher Email Address 250-754-3231
Miranda Culbertson Classroom Teacher - Div. 3 - Gr. 1/2 Email Address 250-754-3231
Morgan Spry Classroom Teacher - Div. 2 - Gr. K/1 Email Address 250-754-3231
Nancy Kim Classroom Teacher - Div. 6 - Gr. 3/4 Email Address 250-754-3231
Nicole Tonnellier Classroom Teacher - Div. 5 - Grade 2/3 Email Address 250-754-3231
Oliver Bild Speech and Language Therapist Email Address 250-754-3231
Sam Bush Classroom Teacher - Div. 10 - Gr. 6/7 Email Address 250-754-3231
Sarah Pike Classroom Teacher - Div. 7 - Gr. 4/5 Email Address 250-754-3231
Stacey Newman Classroom Teacher - Div. 1 - Kindergarten Email Address 250-754-3231
Sue DeRosa Principal Email Address 250-754-3231
Thea Miscavish Vice-Principal/Literacy Coordinator/Fine Arts Email Address 250-754-3231
Tracy Sannes Library Email Address 250-754-3231